Who I am
Hello! I am Tiana:)
My passion of photography sparked from taking photos of my foster cats. I have been fostering cats consistently for the past 2+ years. From newborns to 5 years old I have rescued 85 total.
I got into fostering from a friend. My friend learned about it through a story of someone else finding a kitten outside and fostering it through a shelter. She then took in a few kittens and convinced me to give it a shot. I took in a mom and her single 4 week old baby. They were an amazing first pair and i had them for 3 months.
I started off just taking 1-2 at a time but then I took in 6 at once and the “obsession” really started! I was so in love with helping so many kitties at once. My room was always full and my heart fuller. My big number was having 16 foster cats in my care at once!
People often ask how I don’t get attached to my foster cats. I do! The goal is goodbye and fostering is a commitment you make to helping shelters make room to rescue more animals. It hurts my heart so deeply letting go of the cats and kittens I watched grow up, grow confidence, and/or get healthy.
Recently I adopted two of my own. Peaches and Mango. I bottle fed mango and her siblings since they were 2 weeks old. Her foster name was Earth, her siblings being Water, Fire, and Air. I was told she was a boy and I did not think to double-check. At 6 weeks old I was told she was in fact a girl. I knew i couldn’t let this one go. Peaches was a bit more spontaneous, I got her for free off of Craigslist! I knew Mango needed a kitty friend.
I moved to Oregon In November, 2024. I grew up in Sandusky, Ohio. Went to high school in Louisville, Kentucky. Then went to college in Cincinnati, Ohio. While in my last semester doing online classes I moved to San Antonio for 3 months, where I foster failed Mango. She did the road trip with me, a total of almost 50 hours in the car at only 2 months old.
I recently graduated from the University of Cincinnati. I studied entrepreneurship and marketing. My mindset and drive to start something of my own and be a business owner started in me at a young age. Not being one who dreams of working, I am pushing to find ways to support myself financially while doing things I love.
Outside of fostering and photography, you can find some of my clay art and painting I started as a hobby as well. Creativity is something we tend to lose touch of as adults, i’m trying to hold onto it and grow my creativity again. Other things I enjoy are hiking, scrapbooking, golfing, sewing, baking, and thrifting.
I love learning about other people and hearing their passions, interests, and story. Strong values of mine are being inclusive and open to all, without hurting others in the process. Yay human rights!
Animals have always held a special place in my heart, and I'm passionate about capturing their unique beauty through photography.
Photography has kept me creative, and I truly love the art. It is such a special way to hold memories. Although it sounds cheesy, since I’ve expanded my interest in photography, I am noticing a lot more of the small moments and details around me at all times (and wishing I had cameras good enough to catch some). There’s always more to learn, and there are so many ways to express yourself through photos.
I hope to be able to share this passion and talent with you and your fur babies!