Mango is the first kitty I adopted. I fostered her and her siblings from 2 weeks old and bottle fed them. Her foster name was Earth, her siblings: Water, Fire, & Air.

I can’t pinpoint what exactly made me adopt her. I can say when i started fostering i set a limit that i could only allow myself to adopt a siamese girl kitten i took in at a young age that was sweet. Well that’s mango! I was told she was a boy when I picked their litter up, i never double checked. At a check up 3 weeks later they said “she” when speaking about mango, they had misgendered her and her sister during intake. After that appointment I couldn’t get the thought out of my head to keep this one forever. I am so happy I kept her. She moved with me from Texas to Oregon and did amazing.




Earth, Water, Fire, & Air